Weekly Maintenance Program: Yoga Journey

Table of Contents

Welcome to the Weekly Maintenance Program—an enriching three-day yoga sequence crafted for individuals content with their current practice, seeking balance, and nurturing sustainability. This program is designed to deepen your practice without overwhelming time commitments, offering a harmonious blend of asanas and mindfulness. This maintainance program is one of two paths following the 30 Week Beginner Course as outlined by renowned yoga teacher B.K.S. Iyengar.

A Gentle Reminder: Tuning into Your Unique Rhythm

Feel free to repeat this sequence in the same order on subsequent days, taking Sundays as rest or engaging in a simplified routine focusing on Sirsasana I (Supported Headstand I) for 10 minutes, Salamba Sarvangasana I (Supported Shoulderstand I) for 10 minutes, Halasana (Plow Pose) for 5 minutes, Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend) for 5 minutes, and concluding with Nadi Sodhana Pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing) for 15 minutes, accompanied by Savasana (Corpse Pose) for 5 minutes.

Should you find the number of asanas or their duration challenging, feel empowered to adjust based on your capacity and available time. After completing Pranayama, always embrace the serene Savasana to fully absorb the benefits of your practice.

Day 1 – Beginners Weekly Yoga Course

Sanskrit NameEnglish NameDuration
Salamba Sirsasana ISupported Headstand I10 minutes
Salamba Sarvangasana ISupported Shoulderstand I10 minutes
HalasanaPlow Pose5 minutes
Jathara ParivartanasanaRevolved Abdomen Pose30 seconds each side
Paripoorna NavasanaFull Boat Pose1 minute
Ardha NavasanaHalf Boat Pose20 to 30 seconds
PaschimottanasanaSeated Forward Bend3 to 5 minutes
Marichyasana IIIPose Dedicated to the Sage Marichi III30 seconds each side
Ardha Matsyendrasana IHalf Lord of the Fishes Pose I30 seconds each side
Bharadwajasana I and IIBharadwaja’s Pose I and IIIf needed
ParvatasanaMountain Pose1 minute
MatsyasanaFish Pose20 to 30 seconds
SalabhasanaLocust Pose20 to 30 seconds
DhanurasanaBow Pose30 seconds
Urdhva Mukha SvanasanaUpward-Facing Dog Pose20 to 30 seconds
Adho Mukha SvanasanaDownward-Facing Dog Pose1 minute
UttanasanaStanding Forward Bend1 to 2 minutes
SavasanaCorpse Pose5 minutes
Nadi Sodhana Pranayama in Padmasana or in Virasana or in Siddhasana with inhalation retentionVictorious Breath with Inhalation Retention10 minutes
SavasanaDo after Pranayama

Day 2 – Beginners Weekly Yoga Course

Sanskrit NameEnglish NameDuration
Salamba Sirsasana IHeadstand I10 minutes
Parsva SirsasanaSide Headstand20 seconds each side
Ekapada SirsasanaOne-Legged Headstand10 to 15 seconds on each side
Urdhva PadmasanaUpward Lotus Pose20 seconds
Pindasana in SirsasanaEmbryo Pose in Headstand30 seconds (all at once)
Salamba Sarvangasana ISupported Shoulderstand I8 to 10 minutes
Salamba Sarvangasana IISupported Shoulderstand II30 seconds
Niralamba Sarvangasana I & IIUnsupported Shoulderstand I & II30 seconds each
HalasanaPlow Pose5 minutes
KartapidasanaDescendant Pose30 seconds
Supra Kot:tasanaSphinx Pose20 seconds
Parsva HalasanaSide Plow Pose20 seconds each side
Ekapada SarvangasanaOne-Legged Shoulderstand15 seconds on each side
Parsvaikapada SarvangasanaRevolved One-Legged Shoulderstand15 seconds on each side
Urdhva PadmasanaUpward Lotus Pose20 seconds
Pindasana in SarvangasanaEmbryo Pose in Shoulderstand20 seconds (all at once)
Jathara ParivartanasanaRevolved Abdomen Pose15 seconds each side
Paripoorna NavasanaFull Boat Pose1 minute
Ardha NavasanaHalf Boat Pose2 minutes
JanusirasanaHead-to-Knee Forward Bend20 seconds
Ardha Baddha Padma PaschimottanasanaHalf Bound Lotus Forward Bend20 seconds
Triangmukhaikapada PaschimottanasanaThree-Limbed Forward Bend (on one leg)20 seconds
Marichyasana IPose Dedicated to the Sage Marichi I20 seconds
PaschimottanasanaSeated Forward Bend3 minutes
Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana IUpward-Facing Forward Bend (on one leg)1 minute
GomukhasanaCow Face Pose15 seconds each side
LolasanaPendant Pose15 seconds
Simhasana ILion Pose I20 seconds
PadmasanaLotus Pose20 seconds
ParvatasanaMountain Pose20 seconds
TolasanaScales Pose20 seconds
MatsyasanaFish Pose20 seconds
VirasanaHero Pose20 seconds
Supta VirasanaReclined Hero Pose20 seconds
ParyankasanaCouch Pose20 seconds
Marichyasana IIIPose Dedicated to the Sage Marichi III20 seconds each side
Ardha Matsyendrasana IHalf Lord of the Fishes Pose I20 seconds each side
Baddha KonasanaBound Angle Pose1 minute
Adho Mukha SvanasanaDownward-Facing Dog Pose20 seconds
Urdhva Mukha SvanasanaUpward-Facing Dog Pose20 to 30 seconds
Chaturanga DandasanaFour-Limbed Staff Pose20 seconds
SalabhasanaLocust Pose20 seconds
DhanurasanaBow Pose30 seconds
UstrasanaCamel Pose20 to 30 seconds
UtkatasanaChair Pose20 seconds
UttanasanaStanding Forward Bend1 to 2 minutes
GarudasanaEagle Pose15 seconds
SavasanaCorpse Pose5 minutes
Ujjayi Pranayama with Antar KumbhakaVictorious Breath with Inhalation Retention8 minutes
SavasanaDo after Pranayama

Day 3 – Beginners Weekly Yoga Course

Sanskrit NameEnglish NameDuration
Salamba Sirsasana IHeadstand I10 minutes
Utthita TrikottasanaExtended Triangle Pose30 seconds each side
Parivrtta TrikottasanaRevolved Triangle Pose30 seconds each side
Utthita PadvakonasanaExtended Side Angle Pose20 seconds each side
Parivrtta ParsvakonasanaRevolved Side Angle Pose20 seconds each side
Virabhadrasana I, II & IIIWarrior I, II & III15 seconds each side
Ardha ChandrasanaHalf Moon Pose20 seconds each side
ParsvottanasanaPyramid Pose30 seconds each side
Prasarita Padottanasana IWide-Legged Forward Bend I30 seconds
PadangusthasanaBig Toe Pose30 seconds
PadahastasanaHand-to-Big-Toe Pose30 seconds
UttanasanaStanding Forward Bend1 minute
Urdhva Prasarita EkapadasanaStanding Split15 seconds each side
GarudasanaEagle Pose10 seconds each side
UtkatasanaChair Pose15 seconds
ParighasanaGate Pose15 seconds each side
UstrasanaCamel Pose20 seconds
Bhujangasana ICobra Pose20 to 30 seconds
VirasanaHero Pose30 to 40 seconds
Supta VirasanaReclined Hero Pose30 to 40 seconds
ParyankasanaCouch Pose30 to 40 seconds
PadmasanaLotus Pose30 seconds
ParvatasanaMountain Pose30 seconds
TolasanaScales Pose30 seconds
MatsyasanaFish Pose30 seconds
GomukhasanaCow Face Pose15 seconds each side
LolasanaPendant Pose15 seconds
Simhasana ILion Pose I20 seconds
PaschimottanasanaSeated Forward Bend3 to 5 minutes
Ujjayi PranayamaVictorious Breath10 minutes
SavasanaCorpse Pose5 minutes

Guidance for Mindful Practice

  • Adjusting the Practice: Tailor the sequence based on your capacity and time availability. Focus on quality over quantity.

  • Post-Pranayama Savasana: Always conclude your practice with the serene Savasana to absorb the benefits fully.

  • Antar Kumbhaka Mastery: Engage in inhalation retention only after mastering smooth inhalation and exhalation.

  • Asanas and Pranayama Separation: Avoid practicing asanas and Pranayama together to prevent strain and fatigue.

  • Freshness Matters: If practicing Pranayama in the morning, consider asana practice in the evening or half an hour after.

Sun Salutation for Radiant Energy

For those inclined towards Sun Salutations (Suryanamaskar) to invigorate the body and enhance chest and arm development, here’s a sequence to kickstart your routine. Begin with six rounds, progressively increasing based on your comfort level.

Tadasana (Mountain Pose)Inhale
Uttanasana (Forward Bend)Exhale, Inhale
Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose)Exhale
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward-Facing Dog Pose)Inhale
Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose)Exhale
Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose)Inhale
Uttanasana (Forward Bend)Exhale
Tadasana (Mountain Pose)Inhale

This simple, yet effective, three-day yoga journey opens the door to deeper self-discovery. As you explore the richness of these carefully curated asanas, remember that this is just the beginning. For those craving further exploration and a broader spectrum of asanas, consider transitioning to the Intermediate Course.

Embark on Your Journey with Wisdom and Joy

As you embrace this Weekly Maintenance Program, carry forward the wisdom gained from the 30-week yoga course. Let each pose deepen your connection with the essence of yoga and the eight paths it encompasses. Remember, it’s not about the number of asanas but the perfection found in each movement.

Embark on this journey with an open heart, celebrating the continued growth of your practice. Whether you choose the Intermediate Course or find fulfillment in maintaining this level, may your yoga journey be a source of joy, strength, and inner peace.

Happy practicing, and may you find balance and harmony in every breath and movement on the mat!