Shortcut to Size Nutrition: Cut Time Now

Table of Contents

In this article, I aim to provide an intimate account of my experience with the “Shortcut to Size” program by Jim Stoppani, shedding light on the essential part that nutrition plays in the process. I understand the challenges of juggling a busy lifestyle with dedicated fitness goals, and that’s why I’m here to share the tips and tricks I’ve discovered to efficiently manage my nutrition throughout this journey. So, let’s dive right in and uncover the secrets to maximising your results while minimising the hassle of meal planning and consumption.

Understanding My Nutrition Needs

Nutrition isn’t just about maintaining a healthy diet; it’s the cornerstone of any successful fitness journey. I’ve learned firsthand that without proper nutrition, even the most rigorous workout routine won’t yield the desired results. Nutrition provides the fuel our bodies need for energy, recovery, and muscle growth. It also influences our overall health, well-being, and longevity.

Macronutrients – The Building Blocks

Macronutrients, namely proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, form the foundation of our dietary intake. Understanding their roles is pivotal:


They play a pivotal role in muscle development and repair, making them essential for anyone committed to their fitness journey, whether it’s about building muscle or shedding fat. As a general guideline, I’ve discovered that aiming for a daily protein intake of approximately 0.8 to 1.2 grams per pound of body weight tends to be effective.

However, it’s worth noting that in the “Shortcut to Size” program by Jim Stoppani, the recommended protein intake varies, with 1.5 grams on non-workout days and 2 grams on workout days.


These serve as the body’s primary energy source and are crucial for fueling workouts and daily activities. In the program, it’s recommended to consume approximately 1.5 grams of carbohydrates per pound of body weight on non-workout days and increase it to 2 grams on workout days. This adjustment helps ensure you have the necessary energy to power through the long intensive workouts.


These are essential for promoting overall health, regulating hormones, and facilitating the absorption of nutrients. While fats are calorie-dense, it’s important not to eliminate them from your diet. Instead, consider maintaining a consistent intake of approximately 0.5 grams of fat per pound of body weight every day. Opt for healthy sources like avocados, nuts, and olive oil to ensure you meet this dietary requirement while supporting your fitness journey.

Calorie Tracking – The Quantitative Approach

Calorie tracking, though sometimes seen as tedious, has been an eye-opener for me. It helps maintain a balance between calories consumed and calories burned. To lose weight, a calorie deficit is necessary, whereas a surplus is required for muscle gain. There are various apps and tools available to simplify this process, making it easier to meet your goals.

I personally use the Fitbit app in conjunction with my Fitbit Versa 2 to streamline my calorie tracking journey. This powerful combination not only simplifies the process but also provides a wealth of insights that go beyond simple calorie counting.

Seamless Integration

The Fitbit app seamlessly integrates with my Fitbit Versa 2, allowing me to effortlessly monitor both my daily activities and nutritional intake. This synergy ensures that the calories I burn during my workouts and daily routine are accurately recorded and analysed.

Real-Time Updates

One of the standout features of this pairing is the real-time updates it offers. As I go about my day, I can check my Fitbit Versa 2 to see how many calories I’ve burned, thanks to its continuous tracking capabilities. This data is instantly synchronised with the Fitbit app, providing me with up-to-the-minute information on my calorie expenditure.

Nutritional Insights

The Fitbit app isn’t just about calorie tracking; it offers a comprehensive view of my nutritional intake. I can easily log my meals and snacks, and the app breaks down the macronutrients—proteins, carbohydrates, and fats—consumed. This holistic approach to nutrition ensures that I’m not just hitting my calorie goals but also maintaining a balanced diet.

Goal Customisation

Whether my objective is weight loss, muscle gain, or simply maintaining a healthy lifestyle, the Fitbit app allows me to customise my goals. It provides recommendations for daily calorie intake based on my objectives, ensuring that I’m always on the right track.

Data-Driven Progress

What truly sets this combination apart is its data-driven approach to progress tracking. I can review my daily and weekly trends, helping me identify areas where I can make improvements. Over time, this valuable feedback has been instrumental in refining my fitness and nutrition strategies.

Motivation and Accountability

The Fitbit app also offers a social aspect, allowing me to connect with friends and family who also use Fitbit devices. This built-in support system provides motivation and accountability, making the journey towards my fitness goals all the more enjoyable.

Tailoring Nutrition to My Unique Goals

One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned is that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition. What works for me might not work for someone else, and vice versa. The key is to tailor your nutrition plan to your unique goals, body type, and preferences.

So, if you’re on a mission to drop a few pounds, the name of the game is creating a calorie deficit while still making sure you get enough protein. On the flip side, if you’re all about gaining muscle, put protein front and center and think about going a bit over your calorie needs. But remember, hitting the gym hard is still a must in both scenarios – it’s what keeps those muscles growing or hanging around!

Discovering the Benefits of Meal Planning

Meal planning isn’t about rigid diets or depriving yourself of delicious foods. Instead, it’s a flexible and efficient approach to achieving your fitness objectives. Here’s how I’ve personally benefited:

Consistency: Meal planning ensures that you consistently eat the right foods in the right portions. This consistency is key to making progress in any fitness program.

Saves Time and Money: Preparing meals in advance saves time during the week and reduces the temptation to order takeout or dine out, ultimately saving money.

Portion Control: With meal planning, you have greater control over portion sizes, helping you avoid overeating and stay on track with your calorie goals.

Balanced Nutrition: It allows you to create balanced meals that provide the necessary nutrients your body needs to support muscle growth and recovery.

Personalised Sample Meal Plan for Shortcut to Size

Now, let’s dive into a personalised sample meal plan tailored to the Shortcut to Size program. Keep in mind that this is just one example, and you can adjust it to fit your preferences and dietary requirements.

Breakfast 1 (6:30 am)

(~300 calories)

  • Protein Shake.
  • Medium Apple.

Breakfast 2 – Omlete & Overnight Oats (7:00 am)

(~800 calories)

  • 3 Whole Eggs.
  • 3 Egg Whites.
  • 2 Cups of Oatmeal.
  • Nuts & Toppings.
  • 1 Apple (on workout days).

Workout Nutrition (7:30 – 9:00 am)

(~250 calories)

  • Protein Shake.
  • 1.5 – 5g of Creatine.

Late Morning Snack – Protein Bar & Fruit Yoghurt (10:00am)

(~350 calories)

  • Protien Bar (RAW Salted Caramel & Peanut Butter are my personal favourites).
  • 1/3 of a large pot of Yoghurt.
  • 1 fruit of choice.

Lunch – Pasta Salad with Tuna (12:00pm)

(~600 calories)

  • Pasta
  • Apple
  • Sun Dried Tomatoes
  • Cucumber
  • Cherry Tomatoes
  • Light Mayo

Afternoon Snack – Pasta Salad with Tuna (15:00pm)

  • (~600 calories)
  • Pasta
  • Apple
  • Sun Dried Tomatoes
  • Cucumber
  • Cherry Tomatoes
  • Light Mayo

Dinner – Chicken Stir Fry (18:00 pm)

(~500 calories)

  • 8oz of Chicken Breast.
  • Egg Noodles.
  • Chopped Mixed Veg.
  • Sauce of Choice.

Pre-Bedtime Snack

(~250 calories)

  • Protein Shake or Protein Bar.

Total Calories (Workout Days) = ~3650

Total Calories (Rest Days) = ~3200

Creating a Balanced Meal Plan

To create a balanced meal plan like the one above, consider the following:

Protein: Ensure each meal includes a good source of protein, such as lean meats, poultry, fish, tofu, or beans.

Carbohydrates: Opt for complex carbs like whole grains, quinoa, and sweet potatoes. These provide sustained energy for your workouts and daily activities.

Fats: Incorporate healthy fats from sources like nuts, avocado, and olive oil for overall health and hormone regulation.

Portion Control: Pay attention to portion sizes to manage calorie intake effectively.

Meal Timing: Fuel your body before and after workouts to optimise performance and recovery.

Efficient Grocery Shopping for Shortcut to Size

When I first started the program by Jim Stoppani, I quickly realised that making my grocery shopping more efficient was crucial for managing my nutrition effectively. Over time, I developed some practical strategies that helped me save time and ensure I had the right foods on hand.

Creating a Practical Shopping List

One of the first steps I took was creating a straightforward shopping list. Before going to the store, I’d sit down and plan my meals for the week. Based on this plan, I made a shopping list that included all the ingredients I needed. This ensured that I didn’t buy things on a whim and helped me stay focused on my nutrition goals.

Using Bulk Purchases and Sales Wisely

Buying certain items in larger quantities became a regular practice for me. Staples like lean protein sources (like chicken, turkey, and fish), complex carbohydrates (like rice, oats, and quinoa), and frozen vegetables were items I’d often buy in larger amounts. This not only reduced how often I needed to shop but also saved me money. Additionally, I became skilled at finding discounts and deals. I’d keep an eye on store flyers and use shopping apps to find the best prices on items I regularly needed. This approach allowed me to stick to my budget while still having access to quality, nutritious options.

Making Informed Choices by Checking Labels

I also became more adept at checking food labels and making informed choices. Not all products on the shelves are created equal, and I learned to be selective. When looking at labels, I paid attention to nutritional information, seeking out items lower in sugar, sodium, and saturated fat. I also examined ingredient lists, avoiding products with long lists of artificial additives and preservatives. This thoughtful approach to food selection ensured that my grocery cart consistently contained nutritious and wholesome options that aligned with the Shortcut to Size program’s requirements.

By incorporating these practical grocery shopping strategies, I made the process simpler and more effective for myself while following the program. These techniques not only saved me time and money but also ensured that I had the necessary ingredients to support my fitness goals readily available.

Streamlining My Meal Prep for Shortcut to Size

When I started the program, I quickly realised that simplifying my meal prep was essential to eat the boat load of food that comes with the nutrtion plan. Through trial and error, I discovered several time-saving techniques that have made a world of difference.

Embracing Batch Cooking and Pre-Cutting Ingredients

One of the first strategies I adopted was batch cooking. Knowing that I would need consistent access to lean proteins like chicken and complex carbohydrates like brown rice, I began dedicating specific days each week to prepare larger quantities of these staples.

This approach ensured that I always had a readily available source of nutritionally balanced ingredients. Moreover, I pre-cut fruits and vegetables, making it a breeze to assemble snacks and meals, especially on busy days when time is limited. These small, time-saving habits have been a game-changer in ensuring that I stay consistent with my nutrition plan.

Discovering Essential Kitchen Tools and Appliances

The right kitchen tools and appliances have proven to be invaluable in streamlining my meal prep for Shortcut to Size. A good quality knife set, cutting boards, and a food processor have made chopping and slicing ingredients a breeze. Additionally, my instant pot and slow cooker have been absolute lifesavers, allowing me to prepare large quantities of protein and grains with minimal effort. Having these essential tools at my disposal has not only saved time but also made the meal prep process more enjoyable.

Thoughts on Using Meal Prep Services or Pre-Packaged Healthy Meals

While I prefer to prepare my meals at home for better control over ingredients and flavors, I’ve also explored the option of using meal prep services or purchasing pre-packaged healthy meals. These services can be a real lifesaver on particularly hectic weeks when time is scarce. While they are convenient and provide a viable option for maintaining my nutrition goals, I do consider my budget when using them. Occasionally incorporating meal prep services has allowed me to stay on track without compromising my time or health.

Quick and Nutrient-Dense Snacks

When it comes to maintaining a nutritionally sound diet while following the program, having a selection of quick and nutrient-dense snacks is a game-changer. These snacks not only keep me energised throughout the day but also support muscle growth and recovery.

Favorite On-the-Go Snacks

My go-to on-the-go snacks are those that strike the perfect balance between high protein content and low empty calories. Some of my favorites include Greek yogurt with honey and almonds, a handful of mixed nuts, or a protein bar with minimal added sugars. These snacks provide sustained energy and help keep my metabolism firing on all cylinders, which is crucial for my performance during workouts.

Healthy Snacks with Minimal Preparation

I’ve also found a few healthy snacks that require almost no preparation. Simple options like baby carrots with hummus, apple slices with almond butter, or a piece of string cheese can be grabbed and enjoyed within seconds. These snacks are not only convenient but also provide essential nutrients without the need for extensive prep work.

Prioritising Fuel Throughout the Day

Why do I emphasise snacking and staying fueled throughout the day? It’s all about optimal performance. By providing my body with a steady stream of nutrients, I can maintain energy levels, support muscle repair, and keep my metabolism humming along. This is particularly important during intense workouts, as I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my endurance and strength when I’m well-fueled throughout the day.

Eating on a Tight Schedule

Managing my nutrition when my schedule is jam-packed has been a crucial aspect of my journey with the Shortcut to Size program. Here’s how I navigate my busiest days while ensuring I stay on track with my nutrition goals.

Fitting Meals and Snacks into a Busy Day

On hectic days, finding time to eat can be a challenge. To overcome this, I’ve learned to break my meals into smaller, more frequent portions. This way, I can squeeze in a snack or mini-meal during short breaks. For example, I might have a protein shake or a piece of fruit with a handful of nuts between meetings or tasks. This approach allows me to keep my energy levels stable and stay focused throughout the day.

Preference for Portable and Convenient Options

Portable and convenient meal options have become my best friends. I often pack a salad in a mason jar or opt for pre-packaged salads with grilled chicken when I’m on the go. These options ensure that I get my greens and lean protein even when I’m pressed for time. Additionally, I keep healthy snacks like protein bars and trail mix in my bag, so I’m never caught off guard when hunger strikes.

Managing Nutrition While Dining Out or Traveling

Dining out or traveling can pose challenges to maintaining a strict nutrition plan. To navigate these situations, I’ve developed a few strategies. First, I research restaurant menus in advance to identify healthier options. I also try to balance my meals by including vegetables, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates. When traveling, I carry portable snacks like protein powder and nut butter packets to ensure I have nutritious options on hand.

Staying Hydrated and Supplementation

Staying properly hydrated and considering supplementation have been integral parts of my fitness journey with the “Shortcut to Size” program. Here’s how I approach these aspects.

Staying Adequately Hydrated

Staying well-hydrated is a non-negotiable aspect of supporting both muscle recovery and overall well-being. I make it a priority to ensure I’m drinking an ample amount of water throughout the day, aiming for a minimum of 2 liters. To keep track, I use a reusable plastic jug that I refill regularly. During my workouts, especially the intense training sessions, I also incorporate a sports drink with electrolytes. This helps me maintain proper hydration levels and supports my performance during challenging exercises.

The Role of Supplements

In the program, a range of supplements, including Glutamine, BCAAs, Beta-Alanine, Betaine, and others, are recommended. My initial experience with the program many years ago led me to take all the prescribed supplements. However, this time around, I’ve opted for a different approach. I’ve simplified my supplement regimen to include just protein powder, a multivitamin, and creatine.

The decision to cut back on supplements was influenced by several factors. Firstly, the cost of purchasing all the recommended supplements can add up significantly over time, and I found that the benefits didn’t necessarily justify the expense. Secondly, taking a multitude of supplements, in addition to the substantial amount of food required by the program, was becoming quite time-consuming.

This more streamlined approach not only saves me money but also simplifies my daily routine. It allows me to focus on the essentials and ensures that I can stay committed to the “Shortcut to Size” program without feeling overwhelmed by the number of supplements I need to take.

Tracking Progress and Adjusting My Nutrition

Personally monitoring my progress by observing changes in my body composition has been a vital part of my journey with the program. Instead of solely relying on the number on the scale, I pay close attention to more meaningful indicators like changes in body fat percentage, muscle mass, and overall body measurements. This approach provides a more accurate reflection of my progress and helps me stay motivated. I use tools like body composition scales, skinfold calipers, and progress photos to track these changes over time.


As I revisit the “Shortcut to Size” program, I find myself in a unique position—having completed it before and now embarking on it again with some thoughtful tweaks. My goal is to strike a balance between quality training and nutrition while still savoring the experiences of daily life.

Through this journey, I hope to demonstrate the importance of nutrition in any fitness program. It’s not just about adhering to a strict regimen; it’s about making smart choices that align with your goals while accommodating the demands of a busy life.

So, as I continue on this path, I invite you to join me in prioritising nutrition as a vital component of your fitness journey. Together, we can simplify meal planning and consumption, maximise our results, and enjoy the fruits of our dedication to a healthier and stronger self, all while savoring the richness of life’s experiences.