Maximise Gains Now: Shortcut to Size

Table of Contents

Hey there, folks! If you’ve been following along, you might remember my last article, “Shortcut to Size: Cut Time Now” Well, it’s time to shift gears because today, I’m diving headfirst into the exercise program component of Shortcut to Size by the renowned fitness expert, Jim Stoppani. So, why this article? Let me lay it out for you.

The purpose of this article is simple: I’m about to embark on a journey through Jim Stoppani’s Shortcut to Size program, and I want you all to join me every step of the way. We’ll explore the ins and outs of this program, break down the exercises, share my progress, and hopefully inspire and motivate each other on our fitness quests. So, fasten your seatbelts because it’s going to be an exciting ride!

Shortcut to Size – Program Overview

Brief Description – Shortcut to Size

While I wouldn’t call myself a sports or fitness expert, I have had my fair share of experience in training over the years. After taking a four-year break, I’m excited to introduce you to the Shortcut to Size program, a 12-week fitness journey crafted by the renowned fitness expert Jim Stoppani. This program is based on a well-established training method that’s been tried and tested by athletes from various backgrounds, including those who, like me, have taken breaks from training.

Despite my years of training, sometimes you just need to revisit the basics, and that’s what this program offers. It’s a simple yet effective approach to help you regain your strength, build muscle, and reduce body fat.

Personal Motivations and Goals for Starting the Program

As I kick off this new phase of my fitness journey, I want to share with you my motivations and goals. While I may not be an expert, I’ve learned a lot through my years of training and understand the importance of consistency. My personal goals for this program include reclaiming my strength, rebuilding muscle, and shedding any excess body fat that may have accumulated during my hiatus. By sharing my journey, I hope to inspire others who, like me, are returning to training after a break.

Importance of Exercise and Cardio for Achieving Desired Results

Exercise is the foundation of any fitness journey, and my years of training have taught me the value of a well-structured workout program. The program, which I’ll be following, emphasises the importance of exercise and includes cardio to enhance overall fitness.

This program is rooted in periodisation, specifically Linear Periodisation. It involves gradually increasing weights and decreasing reps over time. What makes this program particularly appealing, especially for those returning to training, is the introduction of microcycles. These weekly variations in weight and rep ranges keep things fresh and adaptable.

Over the next 12 weeks, I expect to see significant improvements in my strength, muscle tone, cardiovascular fitness, and body composition. This program isn’t just about lifting weights; it’s about taking a comprehensive approach to fitness. I’m eager to share my journey, complete with cardio elements, and demonstrate how it can help those of us who are getting back into the fitness groove achieve our goals. So, let’s embark on this transformative experience together – it’s going to be an exciting ride!

Preparing for the Journey

Setting up a Fitness Space or Gym Access

One of the critical first steps in embarking on this fitness journey is ensuring you have access to the right environment and equipment. In my case, I’ve recently joined a local gym that provides all the necessary tools for the Shortcut to Size program. This gym boasts a well-rounded selection of equipment, including a squat rack, bench press, cable machine, and a variety of barbells and dumbbells. What’s more, they even have a swimming pool, which could be a fantastic addition for cardio and recovery sessions.

Shortcut to Size – Workout Equipment

In addition to having access to a gym, it’s essential to ensure you have any personal workout gear required for your fitness journey. While the gym provides the bulk of the equipment needed, I’ll be carrying a few essentials like a workout journal, comfortable workout attire, a water bottle, and my trusty workout headphones to keep me motivated.

Having these items ready ensures a seamless and focused workout experience. After all, it’s the small details that often make the most significant difference in staying consistent with your training.

Mental Preparation and Goal-Setting

As many fitness enthusiasts know, preparing mentally for a fitness program can be just as crucial as physical readiness. Taking a break from training can sometimes affect your confidence, but it’s essential to remember that fitness is a journey with its ups and downs.

To prepare mentally, I’ve set clear and achievable goals for myself. These goals aren’t just about the numbers on the scale or the weight lifted but also encompass how I want to feel during and after each workout. Setting realistic expectations and focusing on progress over perfection helps keep me motivated and mentally resilient throughout this journey.

Gym Preparation Checklist

Before you take your first step into the gym for the program, it’s essential to make sure you’re well-prepared. Here’s a checklist to help you ensure you have everything in order:

1. Gym Membership

Ensure you have an active gym membership or access to a gym that provides the necessary equipment, including a squat rack, bench press, cable machine, and a variety of barbells and dumbbells. If you haven’t joined yet, consider signing up for a gym that meets these requirements.

2. Workout Plan

Familiarise yourself with the Shortcut to Size program and the specific workouts you’ll be doing. Print out a copy of the program or have it accessible on your device for reference.

3. Workout Journal

Get a dedicated workout journal or use a fitness app to log your workouts. Keeping track of your progress is crucial for staying motivated and ensuring you’re following the program correctly.

4. Comfortable Workout Attire

Invest in comfortable workout clothes and proper athletic shoes. Ensure your attire allows for a full range of motion and provides support where needed.

5. Water Bottle

Stay hydrated during your workouts by bringing a refillable water bottle. Proper hydration is essential for performance and recovery.

6. Workout Accessories

If you use accessories like weightlifting gloves, lifting straps, or a weightlifting belt, make sure you have them ready. These can enhance your comfort and performance during certain exercises.

7. Gym Bag

A gym bag can help you organise your essentials, making it easier to carry everything you need to and from the gym.

8. Towel

Many gyms require members to bring their own towels. Even if your gym provides them, having your towel is a hygienic option.

9. Lock

If your gym provides lockers, bring a lock to secure your belongings while you work out.

10. Headphones

Create a motivating workout playlist and bring your headphones. Music can boost your energy and keep you focused during workouts.

11. Personal Care Items

Pack essentials like a small toiletry bag with items such as shower gel, shampoo, and a change of clothes if you plan to shower at the gym post-workout.

12. Training Partner or Support

If you prefer to work out with a friend or have someone to hold you accountable, arrange your gym schedule accordingly.

13. Understanding of Gym Etiquette

Familiarise yourself with basic gym etiquette, such as wiping down equipment after use, respecting others’ personal space, and following any specific rules or guidelines set by your gym.

The Plan – Shortcut to Size

During Phase 1 of the workout plan, which spans Weeks 1 to 4, the focus is on building a strong foundation and refining your exercise form. You will gradually increase your strength and endurance. Below is the breakdown of each workout session during this phase.

Workout 1: Chest, Triceps, and Calves

Bench Press412-15
Incline Press312-15
Incline Dumbell Flye312-15
Cable Crossovers312-15
Tricep Pushdown312-15
Skull Crushers312-15
Cable Overhead Tricep Extensions312-15
Standing Calf Raises425-30
Seated Calf Raises425-30

Workout 2: Back, Biceps, and Abs

Dumbell Vent-Over Row412-15
Wide-Grip Pulldown312-15
Standing Pulldown312-15
Straight Arm Pulldown312-15
Barbell Curl412-15
Dumbell Incline Curl312-15
One-Arm High Cable Curl312-15
Hip Thrust320-30
Oblique Crunch320-30

Workout 3: Shoulders, Traps, and Calves

Dumbell Shoulder Press412-15
Dumbell Lateral Raises312-15
One-Arm Cable Front Raise312-15
High Cable Rear Delt Fly312-15
Dumbell Shrug412-15
Seated Calf Raise425-30
Standing Calf Raise425-30

Workout 4: Legs and Abs

One-Leg Press312-15
Leg Extension312-15
Romanian Deadlift412-15
Lying Leg Curl412-15
Hip Thrust320-30
Plank31 Minute

Progression – Phase 1 Onwards

As you progress through Phase 1, it’s important to challenge yourself by increasing the weights slightly for every exercise while reducing the rep range. Follow this progression:

Week 2: Aim for 9-11 reps.

Week 3: Target 6-8 reps.

Week 4: Challenge yourself with 3-5 reps.

Keep a workout diary or journal to accurately log your lifts and ensure you are progressively increasing the load on your muscles. This foundation-building phase prepares you for the increased intensity of Phase 2 and Phase 3.

Shortcut to Size Phase 2 and 3 – Weeks 5 to 12

Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the workout program continue to build upon the foundation you’ve established in Phase 1. During these phases, you will focus on increasing strength and muscle mass by incorporating variations of the exercises from Phase 1. The rep ranges are the same, where you will gradually decrease the number of reps to further challenge your muscles. For detailed exercise variations, please refer to the provided PDF.

Additional Notes

  • The Shortcut to Size workout plan should be performed four times a week.

  • Structure your training days with 2 consecutive training days followed by one rest day, and then have the weekend off completely.

  • If you are new to the gym, it’s advisable to gain at least one year of experience with basic lifts like bench press, squat, and barbell curls to avoid potential injuries before attempting this program.

This well-rounded workout routine ensures you target all major muscle groups, leading to balanced and consistent progress. Remember, the key to growth is consistently challenging your muscles, and this program provides the variety and intensity needed to achieve your fitness goals.

Injecting Cardio Into the Shortcut to Size

Incorporating cardio exercises into my fitness program is essential not only for achieving my fitness goals but also for promoting overall cardiovascular health. A typical week for me will include engaging in Badminton and Swimming sessions, which are not only enjoyable but also effective ways to improve my cardiovascular endurance and feel great about myself.

Here’s a breakdown of how I plan to integrate these activities into my weekly routine:

Badminton Sessions: Badminton is a dynamic and engaging sport that helps elevate my heart rate while providing an excellent cardiovascular workout. I’ll schedule 1 hour Badminton sessions once or twice a week, depending on my energy levels, where I can enjoy competitive games or rallies.

Swimming Workouts: Swimming is a low-impact, full-body exercise that not only burns calories but also enhances lung capacity and overall cardiovascular fitness. I’ll spend 20 to 30 minutes after each workout swimming laps, focusing on both endurance and technique to maximise the benefits.

By incorporating these cardio activities into my fitness regimen, I aim to not only improve my physical fitness but also boost my cardiovascular health. This well-rounded approach to exercise will help me achieve a sense of well-being and maintain a healthy heart.

Week DayWorkout (60 – 90 mins)Cardio (20 – 60 mins)
MondayChest, Triceps, CalvesSwimming
TuesdayBack, Biceps, AbsSwimming
ThursdayShoulders, Traps, CalvesSwimming
FridayLegs & AbsSwimming

Documenting the Journey

Starting Point: Initial Measurements

Before commencing this fitness journey, it’s essential to set a clear starting point. This involves estimating body fat percentage (acknowledging that while calipers may not provide pinpoint accuracy, they will serve as a reliable baseline) and meticulously recording specific measurements. Here’s how I plan to kickstart my journey.

I’ll measure key metrics such as weight, body fat percentage, waist circumference, and other measurements on key muscle groups. These initial measurements will serve as a baseline to track my progress accurately.

Below you can see my inital measurements and stats before starting the program.

Weight188.2 lbs
RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate)2035 Calories
AMR (Active Metabolic Rate)3256 Calories
Target Calories Lift Days3500 Calories
Target Calories Rest Days3100 Calories
Baseline: Weight, Bodyfat and Metabolic Statistics

CategoryMeasurement (Inches)
Baseline: Bodypart Measurements

Weekly Progress Updates

Consistent progress tracking is vital for staying motivated and increasing lifts. Here’s how I’ll document my Shortcut to Size journey on a weekly basis:

Tracking Changes in Strength and Endurance: Every week, I’ll note any improvements in my strength, endurance, and overall performance. Whether it’s lifting heavier weights, swimming longer distances, or completing more repetitions, these achievements will keep me motivated.

Challenges and Victories: I’ll be honest about the challenges I face. Whether it’s struggling with a particular exercise or dealing with occasional setbacks, acknowledging these hurdles will help me find solutions and persevere. I’ll also celebrate my victories, no matter how small, to maintain a positive mindset.

Sharing Your Experiences

Sharing my fitness journey can be inspiring not only for myself but also for others who may be on a similar path. Here’s how I plan to share my experiences:

Recording Thoughts and Emotions: I’ll maintain a journal to record my thoughts and emotions throughout this journey. It’s important to acknowledge how I feel, both physically and mentally, as this can provide valuable insights and motivation.

Social Media & Blog Updates: To inspire and connect with others, I’ll share regular updates on my social media channels or through a personal blog. These updates will include progress photos, workout routines, and insights into my nutrition choices. I hope that by sharing my experiences, I can encourage others to embark on their fitness journeys as well.

Documenting this journey will not only help me stay accountable but also create a record of my hard work and dedication. As I progress week by week, I look forward to the challenges and triumphs that lie ahead, knowing that each step brings me closer to my fitness goals.

Final Thoughts

As I stand at the threshold of this exciting fitness journey, I can’t help but feel a surge of anticipation. The promise of personal transformation, both in body and mind, beckons like an uncharted path ready to be explored. It’s a thrilling moment, one filled with potential and the allure of what lies ahead.

If you’re reading this, I want to extend a heartfelt invitation to join me on this adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned fitness enthusiast or someone just starting to contemplate their own journey, there’s a place for you here. Together, we can embark on a path to better health, greater strength, and a deeper understanding of what our bodies are truly capable of.

Throughout this journey, I’m committed to transparency and sharing my progress openly. From the triumphs to the setbacks, every step of the way will be documented. I believe that our collective experiences can be a source of motivation and inspiration. So, stay tuned for regular updates, insights, and the lessons learned as we navigate the challenges and victories that come with pursuing a healthier, stronger, and more fulfilling life.