A Journey to Becoming a Yoga Teacher

Table of Contents

Embarking on the path to becoming a yoga teacher is a journey filled with growth, self-discovery, and transformation. Beyond mastering yoga poses and sequences, this journey involves developing confidence, embracing self-development, and nurturing resilience. In this blog post, we delve into the essential qualities of a successful yoga teacher and explore strategies to cultivate confidence along the way.

Developing Confidence and Overcoming Speaking Anxiety

One of the essential qualities of a successful yoga teacher is confidence in communication and instruction. Speaking in front of a group, guiding students through poses, and conveying yoga philosophy require clarity and self-assurance. It’s not uncommon for pre-service teachers to experience speaking anxiety, but there are effective techniques to cope with it. Research suggests that preparing an outline, practicing before speaking, and boosting self-confidence are instrumental in overcoming speaking anxiety (Kenoh, 2021). Moreover, practicing speaking in front of others can significantly improve self-confidence (Tridinanti, 2018).

Boosting self-confidence can be achieved through various strategies. Self-affirmation, positive self-talk, and reinforcement of positive feedback are effective methods for enhancing self-confidence (Szpitalak & Polczyk, 2019; White, 2009). Additionally, educational cinema techniques, assertive training, and group counselling have been found to increase students’ self-confidence in various settings (Utomo & Sholihah, 2021; Dewantari et al., 2021; Nugrahaini, 2022).

Embracing Self-Development and Personal Growth

Becoming a yoga teacher is not just about teaching yoga; it’s also about personal growth and self-development. This journey involves continuous learning, self-reflection, and honing teaching skills. It’s crucial to cultivate a growth mindset and embrace opportunities for self-improvement. Innovative teaching methods, like educational cinema techniques, can foster self-confidence and personal growth (Utomo & Sholihah, 2021).

Moreover, inspiring and motivating others is fundamental in teaching yoga. Creating an empowering and supportive learning environment, where self-determined motivation and autonomy are encouraged, can significantly impact students’ self-talk and self-confidence (Amado et al., 2019).

Nurturing Confidence Through Practice and Experience

Confidence in teaching yoga is nurtured through practical experience and exposure to real-life teaching scenarios. Supportive interventions, such as group counselling, play a vital role in building confidence and resilience (Nugrahaini, 2022). Similarly, guidance and mentorship, like the home room technique group guidance, can improve students’ confidence (Durrotunnisa et al., 2022).

It’s essential to recognise that confidence is a skill that can be developed over time. Aspiring yoga teachers can draw from research and evidence-based practices to cultivate the confidence and resilience needed to guide and inspire their future students on the path of yoga.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming a Yoga Teacher

Step 1: Deepen Your Personal Practice

Before embarking on the journey to become a yoga teacher, it’s crucial to establish a strong personal practice. Dedicate time to deepen your understanding of yoga asanas, pranayama, meditation, and philosophy. Attend a variety of yoga classes, workshops, and retreats to broaden your knowledge and experience.

Step 2: Research Yoga Teacher Training Programmes

Research and explore various yoga teacher training programmes to find one that aligns with your goals, values, and schedule. Consider factors such as accreditation, curriculum, teaching faculty, location, and duration. Look for programmes that offer comprehensive instruction in yoga philosophy, anatomy, teaching methodology, and practicum experience.

Step 3: Enrol in a Yoga Teacher Training Programme

Once you’ve selected a yoga teacher training programme, enrol and commit to the journey wholeheartedly. Immerse yourself in the learning process, participate actively in classes and discussions, and engage with your peers and instructors. Take advantage of all opportunities for self-reflection, growth, and feedback.

Step 4: Cultivate Teaching Skills

During your yoga teacher training, focus on developing effective teaching skills, including cueing, sequencing, adjusting, and creating a supportive class environment. Practice teaching regularly, both in the training programme and outside of it, to gain confidence and refine your teaching style. Seek feedback from mentors, peers, and students to continuously improve.

Step 5: Obtain Certification and Continued Education

Upon completion of your yoga teacher training programme, obtain certification from a reputable yoga alliance or organisation. Consider pursuing additional certifications or specialised training in areas of interest, such as prenatal yoga, trauma-informed yoga, or yoga therapy. Continue to expand your knowledge and skills through workshops, courses, and self-study.

Step 6: Build Your Teaching Practice

Start teaching yoga classes at studios, gyms, community centres, or online platforms to gain teaching experience and build your student base. Network with other yoga teachers and wellness professionals, collaborate on workshops or events, and promote your classes through social media, word of mouth, and online platforms.

Step 7: Cultivate a Sustainable Career

As you establish yourself as a yoga teacher, focus on cultivating a sustainable career that supports your well-being and growth. Set boundaries around your time and energy, prioritise self-care practices, and seek opportunities for professional development and mentorship. Remember to stay true to yourself and your values as you navigate your journey as a yoga teacher.


Becoming a yoga teacher is a transformative journey that involves developing confidence, embracing self-development, and nurturing resilience. By following a step-by-step guide and integrating evidence-based strategies, aspiring yoga teachers can embark on their teaching journey with a strong foundation of self-assurance and a deep commitment to guiding others on the path of yoga.


  1. Kenoh, A. (2021). A qualitative study on speaking anxiety among pre-service teachers. Journal of Learning and Development Studies, 1(1), 34-39.
  2. Tridinanti, G. (2018). The correlation between speaking anxiety, self-confidence, and speaking achievement of undergraduate efl students of private university in palembang. International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies, 6(4), 35.
  3. Szpitalak, M., & Polczyk, R. (2019). Inducing resistance to the misinformation effect by means of reinforced self-affirmation: the importance of positive feedback. Plos One, 14(1), e0210987.
  4. White, K. (2009). Self-confidence: a concept analysis. Nursing Forum, 44(2), 103-114.
  5. Utomo, P., & Sholihah, M. (2021). The effectiveness of using educational cinema techniques to increase students’ self-confidence: an experimental research. Progcouns Journal of Professionals in Guidance and Counselling, 2(2).